27 form

Master Ding’s 27 Movement Form (27式太极拳动作名称)

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1. Beginning movement 起势
2. Grasp the sparrows tail 揽雀尾
3. Single whip 单鞭
4. Lift hands [with elbow & shove] 提手上势
5. White crane opens wings 白鹤亮翅
6. Brush knee twist step [3 times] 左右搂膝拗步
7. Strum the lute 手挥琵琶
8. Repulse the monkey [3 times] 左右倒撵猴
9. Diagonal flying 斜飞式
10. Needle to the ocean bottom 海底针
11. Fan through back 闪通臂
12. Strike with backfist & white snake spits tongue 翻身白蛇吐信
13. Right press the heel 右蹬脚
14. Left hit tiger 左打虎式
15. Turn around & double winds to the ear 回身双峰贯耳
16. Left separate the feet 左分脚
17. Part wild horse’s mane [right, left] 左右野马分鬃
18. Fair lady works shuttles [left, right] 左右玉女穿梭
19. Cloud hands [3 times] 云手
20. Squatting single whip 单鞭下势
21. Step into seven stars 上步七星
22. Step back ride tiger 退步跨虎
23. Turn body sweep lotus 转身摆莲
24. Bend bow to shoot tiger 弯弓射虎
25. Advance, strike down, parry & punch 进步搬拦捶
26. Cross hands 十字手
27. Closing action 收势

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