Announcements October 2016


ANNOUNCEMENT: Invitation to Taiji event
On Sunday October 30, 2016, we have been invited by our Chen Taiji friends - Joe Wollen and his group - to attend the grand opening of their new venue, which they share with the Lion Dance group led by Ray Peterson, Gary's former student. Our Taiji group has been invited to perform / participate in the demonstrations and activities.
Among the highlights of the event will be a full traditional "dotting-the-lion" ceremony, where leaders of various lion dance, taiji and kung fu groups from Lincoln and the surrounding region have been invited to "bless" several new lions. There will also be demonstrations by all the visiting groups, including ours. The event will be 1-4pm, with the official lion ceremony starting at 1pm. Our group plans to go after our Sunday Taiji class. If you plan to go, it would be nice if you could wear our group t-shirt (either the new black logo, or the earlier white logo, if you have it).
Please let us know if you plan to attend. You are welcome to extend the invitation to friends and family. The event is open to the public.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Saturday Taiji Class
This Saturday, Oct 8, 2016, class will be 10:30am-12:30pm at St Paul's gymnasium (same location as our Thursday classes). Please take note of the time change due to the basketball schedule. This indoor schedule and indoor venue will continue through the winter months.
There is no Lincoln football game this weekend, so you may park in the St Paul basement parking lot. But please remember that parking will not be available on days when UNL football is held in Lincoln.
The syllabus for the Saturday classes (led by Gary) will continue to be weapons applications. So please bring your Jian (sword), Dao (saber) and Gan (staff) if you have it.
Also, please remember to bring clean indoor shoes to change into for practice.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Thursday Taiji Class
Starting next Thursday, Oct 13, 2016, class at St Paul's gymnasium will change time to 7-9pm. This shifted evening schedule will continue through the winter months due to the basketball schedule.
The syllabus for the Saturday classes (led by Gary) will continue to be bare hands applications.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Sunday Taiji Class
As of now, we will still be meeting outdoors at Antelope Park from 10am-12pm for Sunday classes. If/when there are any changes to venue/time during the colder winter months, we will post an update as soon as we have confirmation.

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